Sunday, October 6, 2013

Day 6: Free to Worship

((photo credit:

my favorite type of music is worship music. there is nothing more soothing to my soul.  
so, sundays will be a day that i share a song that will be included in my soundtrack for walking in freedom, if i were to make a soundtrack for this season.  which i totally think is a great idea because i think every season of life deserves a soundtrack!

i pray you are blessed by this song as much as i was today!

here's my pick for today:

(in case you are viewing via a mobile device, the song is "cornerstone" by hillsong)

"For in Scripture it says: 
'See, I lay a stone in Zion, 
a chosen and precious cornerstone,
 and the one who trusts in him 
will never be put to shame.'"

{1 Peter 2:6}


  1. I have been singing this song all week whenever I have a quiet moment for a second. :-) You are so strong, loved and inspiring. Continuing to keep you in my prayers. Love you all!

    1. you are such a sweet friend and i am thankful for you!


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