a couple of weeks ago, right after the miscarriage, one of my best friends gave me a card. it was on a sunday morning at church, and because those are usually crazy for us, i had shoved it into my purse. naturally, i forgot about it until a few days ago as i was going through my purse looking for something. in her note, she commented on how this was the perfect card, and i couldn't agree more.
She believed with all her heart
that her journey
would take her
to the place she belonged,
and God's best
would be there
to meet her.
absolutely perfect! i knew from the beginning that God had a plan for my 31 days of blogging, and i believe that He started something really good in my heart. i know that my journey to walking in freedom has only just begun and that there is a lot more work yet to be done, but i also know that He is faithful to complete all the work that He starts.
this verse is written inside the card and is the TLB version (though i have no idea what that is). the NIV says, "The LORD leads with unfailing love and faithfulness all who keep his covenant and obey his demands." i love the descriptive language of the version in the card, but i thought it was important to point out the importance of our obedience to his commands. when we are not walking in freedom, it is hard to act in obedience because of the lies and the fear and our selfish desires but the more time we spend with Jesus and fall in love with Him, the more we desire to please Him and obey Him. it is here that we taste the freedom He offers and delight in that freedom. and i believe it is here when the fragrance of his loving-kindness and His truth beckons us to walk the path He leads us upon with reckless abandon.
the journey begins with one foot in front of the other, one step at a time.
no turning back.

I love these words, Shannon. The last two sentences ring profoundly true!