Year after year, I find myself getting more and more excited about celebrating Easter.
When I was younger it was because I got to get a new dress.
{Do you remember what it was like to wear your new Easter dress?}
And it was always exciting because we get together with family.
I always enjoy big family gatherings.
Don't get me wrong, I've always celebrated Easter for its true significance, however, I don't think I've appreciated it as much as I have in more recent years.
After reading the book Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross by Nancy Guthrie a couple of years ago, I've learned to truly appreciate what an amazing sacrifice Jesus offered and just how big his love for us is.
Not only did he endure an excruciatingly painful death and separation from his Father, he became sin.
Filth, evil, hatred, all things unholy.
Jesus became all those things.
He endured the punishment for those things.
He went to the pits of Hell for 3 days.
And why?
Because he loves us that much.
This year I found myself anticipating this glorious celebration unlike I have any other year.
Good Friday felt like a somber day to me because I tried to keep the image of Jesus hanging on the cross at the forefront of my mind.
And every time I would read or hear the phrase "It's Friday....but Sunday's coming!" my heart would do a little leap in my chest!
Yes, Sunday, the third day, the most glorious day of all!
The day we celebrate our Risen Lord!
All weekend the lines "Christ the Lord is risen today, Alleluia" kept running through my head.
This year I served in Children's Ministry, and though I was a little bummed to not be able to worship with my church family in "big church" on this day, for me, it was more of a celebration in my heart.
It was a reminder that I want every day to be like Easter.
I want every day to be a celebration of the most wonderful gift I have ever been given.
Every day I want to strive to draw nearer to my Savior.
Every day I want to do my best to present myself as a pleasing sacrifice to Him, the One who sacrificed it all.
I pray that you too will be overcome with joy each day you think upon the cross and find yourself walking in His grace and mercy.
Now, if you don't mind, a few pics from the day.....
I was just a tad bit excited to celebrate Easter with this one:
I mean, come on.
I know I'm biased, but you can't argue with me, can you??
((This is the project I was working on and hope to do a post on someday in the near future.
I was really happy with how it turned out, and I think Eli was too.
We didn't give him his Easter basket until after he calmed down from a fit of absolute hysterics that began upon waking up from his way too short nap. That's why he's sitting on my lap!
Lesson learned: DO NOT alter the nap schedule, even on Easter!))
Have a great week, friends!
never wake a sleeping baby!! lol except they're not babies anymore...